May Classes

Been slacking around here…I think blogging will always be a struggle for me but I keep TRYING anyhow! Thought I should at least post the details for two upcoming classes that have been scheduled. Hope you can join one!

Register for this class by Monday, April 22nd to get $10 off using promo code: EARLYBIRD10!

Recap: My first “Live” sale online!

Shortly before Christmas I decided to try my very first “live” sale online at Facebook. I gathered up giftable items (including a large amount of the newly created jewelry), classes and other items I thought people would be interested in. Then I created individual posts for each and started promoting the event. Here’s a look at the flyer I made to generate interest:

I also created promo posts leading up to the event with the “Top 12” reasons to shop the online sale memes – some heartfelt, some funny and all true – and used them across Instagram, FB, Twitter, etc. I also added incentive for people to share the event – the more people, the more purchases and the bigger the discounts! Starting at 10% off all the listings I added an additional 1% for each sale, with a cap at 50% off. Below are the details of how an online “live” event can be set up on Facebook, if you’re wondering how it works.

The prep was actually more time consuming than any other aspect, making sure I had good images and accurate descriptions for each thing. I also designed trivia posts with prizes to keep it fun and interesting. Overachiever that I am, I had 45 posts to get online in one hour. Next time I’d aim for around 30, it was so fast and crazy trying to get all of that on the event page in just an hour! I didn’t feel like I had time to go back and reply to those who had purchased items or answered the trivia questions and I ended up running past the 9 p.m. end time by about 10 minutes. Since it was a holiday sale, this is a sample of one of the trivia questions:

Here are sample posts of items that were sold during the event:

In all I sold 38 items, meaning each person who made a purchase earned a 48% discount! Happy holidays to all of us. 😉 The bonus part of all this work is that I was able to use the image/descriptions of the unsold items to list them on my website – something that was already on my to-do list.

I am planning on doing another one of these online sales, what do you think would be a good time? I’m leaning toward late April/early May thinking people will be on the lookout for Mother’s Day and Graduation Gifts. Once I get that figured out I’ll be sure and share the details here on the blog.



April Workshops

On schedule for the month of April? Batik Art on Paper, presented at three locations so you can choose which one works best for you! To reserve your seat in one (or more) of these classes please go to THIS PAGE of my website. With locations in Carmel, Martinsville and Nashville Indiana you’ve got a nice selection to choose from. 2018, April, updated

Please note this workshop is limited to a maximum of 6 people so you’ll want to reserve your place early!

New Class! Batik Art on Paper

Here are the details about a new class I’m going to present here in the studio. Both sessions are the same, just giving people more options to fit in their schedule. I’ve been exploring this technique for several months now and feel like I am prepared to help YOU explore it as well! I hope you can join me.



Batik class, aug 2015 LMAP

New Mandala Workshop

Wow. After taking almost a year off of workshops & classes things are just popping right now! The Moon, Sun & Stars workshop is coming next week followed by this new mandala class the following week on November 13th:Mandala Class, Nov 14 Sterling Butterfly

And it’s in a new venue, The Sterling Butterfly in Martinsville, Indiana. Here is a link to the event page on Facebook, with instructions on how to register:

There are several other classes coming too, updates will be posted soon!


Moon, Sun & Stars Workshop

Coming in November! This is a change of topic for the next class at Finer Things in Brownsburg, Indiana. Click the flyer below to go to their website, call or email them to register for this evening of whimsical creativity!

second fall workshop at finer things

Twice the Fun!

SO, by request, the Fall Tree Workshop has two one more dates coming up. The first is October 24th and the second is November 6th! Here are  is the flyers for each the workshop, sign up by contacting the gallery that is hosting the workshop (click the flyer and it will take you to their webpage). Hope to see you at one (or both?) to get your creativity on! 10/29/2014 NOTE: The topic for the October 24th workshop has been changed from Fall Trees to Moon, Sun & Stars!

artistic, fall tree workshop

Review/Preview, Open Studio

So, last month I participated in my first ever “Open Studio Saturday” event as part of the local cultural trail!

738292_10151335588454547_1971864865_oIt was a beautiful, warm, sunny day (especially for January) so my fear of snow and access/parking issues (we have a LONG drive that can become rather “interesting” when there is a lot of snow) didn’t materialize.  That was a fabulous start!  My cat got a little lap/love time while we waited for our first visitors.

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I’d promised that the first three people through the door would each get a free piece of art and, as luck would have it, the first car held exactly three people! They were all so excited to choose the piece of art they would take home.

The other part of having the studio open was that I wanted to have some small “make & take” activity that visitors of all ages could do while they visited. This month I used some magnets I’d picked up at Indy Upcycle (if you live around Indianapolis you need to go there, what fun!). I cut watercolor paper to fit on the sticky-back magnets and then got out the permanent markers and watercolors so people could make their own artistic magnets. This is the sample that I made that morning:

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I got people to participate! Happiness! I love it when people jump in a make something.

All in all it was a great first day on the trail. I had new subscribers sign up for my newsletter, got to chat with visitors and – drumroll please – even sold this piece of digital art before the day was over!

"Illumination" digital art on aluminum  SOLD
“Illumination” digital art on aluminum SOLD

The next Open Studio Saturday is in just six days, on February 9th, I hope you’ll stop by to visit and get creative. The plan is to have a drawing for a free art class as well as doing some small printmaking projects. The hours are 11 am to 3 pm, see you then!
